Raising A Dutch Shepherd

Let's Talk Logistics
If you are reading this section, you have either made the decision to get a Dutch Shepherd puppy or are planning to make a very important purchase of a Dutch Shepherd puppy. Either way this page is going to give you a good guideline for raising a Dutch Shepherd from finding a good breeder to reaching your specific training goal for your future Dutch Shepherd. We will go in the following order:
- Finding a reputable Dutch Shepherd Breeder
- Preparing for the arrival of a Dutch Shepherd puppy
- Dog Training for your Dutch Shepherd
- Accomplishing your personal, work, show, and sport goals

Finding a Reputable Dutch Shepherd Breeder
Your very first step in raising a Dutch Shepherd starts before your pup is even born. To ensure you are matched with your ideal Dutch Shepherd you have to find the right breeder. Whether you are looking for a show prospect, working dog, sport prospect, or just a family pet you want to make sure the breeder you choose will produce what you’re looking for. There are quite a number of Dutch Shepherd breeders but look out for the following to ensure you are speaking with a reputable breeder.
- Knowledgeable about the Breed
- Will have an extensive & thorough puppy application
- Conducts & is open about the health testing of the parents
- Parents are titled in some form or fashion
- Will place a puppy on temperament rather than looks
- Exposes the puppies to age appropriate stimulation or conducts ENS
- Will not release a puppy until at least 8 weeks
If you need help or need guidance on finding a reputable breeder check out our Breeder Referral Program.

Preparing for the Arrival
Preparing for the arrival of your Dutch Shepherd puppy will either make or break your sanity. Dutch Shepherd puppies are a handful so here is list of things to have ready before they come home:
- A Reputable Veterinarian
- Pet Insurance (recommended)
- Identification Tag
- Crate & Potty Schedule
- Light weight collar & leashes
- Crate
- Bed
- Puppy safe treats
- Puppy safe toys (Mental Stimulation toys recommended)
- Coat appropriate grooming & bathing supplies
- Food & water bowls
- Puppy Food
- Dog gates/Dog pen
- Dog First Aid Supplies
- (If you really want to prepare, attend a Pet First Aid & CPR class)
If you have any questions about the list or would like specific recommendations email us at info@americandutchshepherdassociation.com

Dog Training for your Dutch Shepherd
Now that you have your puppy, you have all of your supplies, and you’ve adjusted to having a puppy in the home…it’s time to choose a training style and dog trainer for your puppy. Dog training styles can be broken roughly into 3 different styles…Positive Reinforcement, Balanced, and Compulsive dog training.
- Positive reinforcement training is becoming increasingly popular because of the use of a reward to achieve desired results. If done properly you can create a strong bond without the use training tools.
- Balanced dog training is also another popular form of training because it involves both rewards and consequences. Behaviors are taught with positive reinforcement until the dog understands what they are being asked then training tools are added to promote a higher rate of success.
- Compulsive Dog Training is a form of training that heavily uses corrections and the overuse of physically forcing (i.e. shoving, kicking, punching, helicoptering) a dog into a position as a method to teach. DO NOT SEEK OUT THIS FORM OF TRAINING, IT IS ABUSE AND WILL RUIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR DOG
Training puppies should only involve positive reinforcement and redirections because they are too young to “know” what is good or bad. When looking for a Positive or a Balanced trainer make sure you look through reviews from previous clients. Set up a consultation or a meet & greet before signing up for sessions to ensure you feel comfortable with your potential dog trainer. A good trainer will be more than willing to answer all of your questions so ask many!

Accomplishing your Goals
Prior to getting your pup, you should have already had an idea about what you wanted to achieve for your pup. Here are some helpful links to many facets you can pursue with your Dutch Shepherd.
- AKC Conformation
- AKC Sports other than Conformation
- AKC Search & Rescue (Search local groups near you as well)
- Protection Sports (IPO/Schutzhund, PSA, Mondio Ring, French Ring)
- AKC Herding (search local groups near you as well)
If you have any questions about the list or would like specific recommendations email us at info@americandutchshepherdassociation.com