Judge's Education

Welcome Judges!
Thank you for visiting the ADSA website to learn more about the Dutch Shepherd. The AKC Dutch Shepherd population is an extension of the pedigreed FCI registered dogs being bred in Europe. From the beginning, our goal has been to create a pedigreed population that is accepted in Europe to aid in the free flow of genetics. Naturally, we want the AKC breed standard to mirror the standard created by the Nederslandse Herdershonden Club and registered with the FCI.
If you also judge UKC shows be please mindful that the UKC standard is very different from the AKC standard and is an isolated population with a different breed type and function.
Please review the AKC standard prior to judging Dutch Shepherds. Below you will find a condensed illustrated standard for the Dutch Shepherd. We also have a 146 page judge’s education presentation available upon request if you email us directly at info@americandutchshepherdassociation.com