Become an ADSA Member

Thank you for considering becoming a member of the American Dutch Shepherd association. Prospective members must…

  • Be in good standing with the American Kennel Club
  • Have 2 sponsors in the ADSA (Sponsors must have been in the club at least 1 year before being eligible to sponsor)
  • Must agree to the Constitution & By Laws , as well as the Breeder’s Code of Ethics of the American Dutch Shepherd Association.

If you meet the criteria please email or requesting the membership application.

To ensure a swift process time please CC your sponsors in the email requesting membership.

Membership Fees :

Single Membership – $15.00 (Paid by Paypal: $20)

Family Membership – $25.00 (Paid by Paypal: $30)

Benefits of ADSA Membership

The benefits of ADSA membership are the ability to connect with other Dutch Shepherd enthusiasts, to promote the Dutch Shepherd as one breed with three varieties: Short, Long, and Rough hair. As a member you will get the opportunity to participate in sharing of information and education about the breed via membership Facebook forum groups. As a club, members work to preserve the traditional versatile working characteristics of the purebred Dutch Shepherd through sound and ethical breeding programs. There may be opportunities for mentorship if a prospective member is interested in breeding. There are also opportunities for members to participate and assist in ADSA sponsored events, health, and educational programs.