Recommended Health Testing
Generally, the Dutch Shepherd doesn’t have as many health concerns as other breeds. Like other breeds that primarily herd, there is some concern for anesthesia sensitivity which should be mentioned to your vet before any type of procedure that involves general anesthesia. Overall, the Dutch Shepherd has not changed much over the years which contributes to it’s impressive over all health but we still recommend health testing. We recommend testing:
- OFA Hips and Elbows
- Degenerative myelopathy
- OFA Spine (For the short-haired)
- Thyroid yearly for breeding (For the long-haired)
- Gonio dysplasia (For the rough-haired)
- Spongy Cerebellar Degeneration 1 & 2 (For the short-haired)
- Von Willebrand Type I (For the long-haired)

Nederlandse Herdershonden Club Health Report & Resources
According to the Nederlandse Herdershonden Club, the latest health report concludes that there is no current cause for concern for the Dutch Shepherd that would warrant a change in breeding procedures. If there are any questions specific to this breed, the Nederlandse Herdershonden Club has a hotline specifically for behavior and health concerns that can be found at the bottom of their health page.

Recommended Testing Services
- Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
- PennHIP
- Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER) – also formerly known as CERF
- MyDogDNA (Specifically for DM, vWD1, SDCA1 & 2)
- Veterinary Genetic Services (specifically for Canine Coat Testing, you may also look up “By Breed”)